‘John Burton Advocates for Youth’ to Announce Winners of the Foster Youth Tax Credit Challenge in Upcoming Webinar

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‘John Burton Advocates for Youth’ to Announce Winners of the Foster Youth Tax Credit Challenge in Upcoming Webinar

September 12
15:05 2023
JBAY will unveil the victorious counties of the Foster Youth Tax Credit Challenge in their webinar on September 13, highlighting the first-year achievements of the FYTC initiative.

John Burton Advocates for Youth (JBAY), a non-profit organization working tirelessly to enhance the quality of life for foster and homeless youth in California, is all set to reveal the winners of a noteworthy challenge based on the recently instituted Foster Youth Tax Credit (FYTC) in their upcoming webinar on September 13th. This much-anticipated event has already garnered attention, with 545 registrants across the state. Registration for the webinar is already underway.

Launched as a part of the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) initiative, the FYTC was proposed by JBAY in the fall of 2021 with robust support from notable personalities, including Governor Gavin Newsom and former State Controller Betty Yee. This pivotal tax relief measure, which is funded at $21 million annually, emerged as a beacon of hope for eligible foster youth between the ages of 18 and 25, presenting them with a credit of up to $1,083 for the 2023 tax season.

The challenge inspired counties to compete in three categories: small, medium, and large, striving to help the highest percentage of foster youth secure this newly minted tax credit. It is a matter of pride that Stanislaus, Kern, and Fresno counties emerged victorious in their respective categories, showcasing impressive foster youth tax credit reception rates of 15.7%, 14.6%, and 8.7%, respectively, and they will each be awarded $1,000.

Highlighting the real-time impact of this initiative, Olivia Penalber, a recipient residing in the Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles, voiced that the financial support has been a “lifesaver,” aiding her in managing household expenses while persisting with her educational journey toward a career in women’s health.

This generous stipend has reached over 4,769 foster youth statewide, accumulating to a substantial payout of $4.95 million, a significant stride in alleviating financial stress and fostering stability in the lives of the young recipients.

Amy Lemley, the Executive Director of JBAY, emphasized the collaborative spirit behind this endeavor, acknowledging the vital role of county child welfare agencies in its successful inauguration. She stressed that the FYTC promises monetary relief and fosters a culture of tax filing among the youth, opening doors to myriad other benefits.

As JBAY gears up to announce the triumphant counties in the upcoming webinar, attendees can also look forward to a comprehensive report elucidating the milestones achieved in the first year of the FYTC implementation. The endeavor bears witness to a close-knit community working harmoniously to elevate youth from the clutches of poverty with unwavering commitment and a shared vision for a brighter, secure future for the foster youth of California.

The event date is: September 13, 2023

Register for the webinar here.

Learn more about the essential benefits of tax-filing for young adults in its latest article 

For any media or commercial inquiries,  visit http://www.jbay.org or send an email to [email protected]

Follow John Burton Advocates for Youth on Social Media:

Instagram: @jbaforyouth

Facebook: @JBAforYouth

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About John Burton Advocates for Youth:

Founded in 2005, John Burton Advocates for Youth stands at the forefront in advocating for enhanced legislation, community training, and research initiatives, with a continual pledge to uplift California’s foster and homeless youth.

Media Contact
Company Name: John Burton Advocates for Youth
Contact Person: Amy Lemley, Executive Director
Email: Send Email
City: San Francisco
State: California
Country: United States
Website: www.jbay.org
